How to Prevent Mold Growth in Your Home

There are many signs that your home is falling victim to mold growth. Mold can grow on carpet, clothing, food, paper, and even in places you can’t see, such as the backside of drywall, areas inside walls around leaking or condensing pipes, and above ceiling tiles. It is costly to fix mold damage in your home,… Read more »

Why You Should Avoid Using Chemical Drain Cleaners

There is nothing more annoying than a clogged drain while you’re taking a shower. The water is quickly circling your ankles, continues to rise, and you’ve barely rinsed the shampoo from your hair. We want quick solutions to our plumbing problems during times like these, so we reach for a chemical drain cleaner. It’s true… Read more »

What To Expect When Repiping Your Home

If your pipes are old, deteriorating, and causing issues with your plumbing, then repiping is not something you should put off or avoid. As soon as you begin to notice signs that your pipes should be replaced, you should call a repipe plumbing specialist before the damage gets worse. Replacing all or some of the… Read more »

4 Warning Signs of a Concrete Slab Leak

Not all water leaks are created equal. There are small leaks that might show themselves readily with pooling water or a drop in water pressure. Then, there are the scarier leaks that lurk underneath the foundation of your home and hide most signs of their existence until they’re ready to do some serious damage. When… Read more »

How To Properly Unclog a Drain

Clogged drains are a common household issue most people encounter at one point or another. They’re not a particularly serious problem most of the time, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t annoying. Fortunately, a lot of the time a clog is something you can handle on your own quickly and inexpensively—as long as you know… Read more »

High Water Bill? Here are 4 Potential Culprits

Most responsible home owners keep close track of their various bills each month. Certain utility costs can be expected to fluctuate based on the time of year, such as a higher gas bill in the winter from heating or higher electric bill in the summer from air conditioning. But unless you add a new appliance… Read more »

Galvanized Pipes: What They Are & Why You Need to Replace Them

Most people don’t give their plumbing a second thought until there’s a problem. Plumbing problems don’t always start off small and harmless though. That’s why it’s important to be proactive where you can when it comes to your home’s plumbing system. If you live in an older home, one thing you can do to prevent… Read more »

Signs of Household Mold Growth You Shouldn’t Ignore

When your house springs a leak, your first instinct should be to fix it up or call a plumber. Unfortunately, not every homeowner will take a water leak seriously or make it a priority, especially if it seems small. If you don’t address a water leak though, it can have some potentially dangerous consequences—and mold… Read more »

Why You Should Call A Professional Leak Detection Specialist If You Suspect a Water Leak

The signs of a water leak don’t always come on suddenly or noticeably. A smaller or hidden leak can have a more subtle presence—a slight drop in water pressure or the brief waft of a foul odor after a flush of the toilet. Although you may suspect a water leak when you notice these problems,… Read more »

How to Thaw a Frozen Pipe

Even here in sunny California, we’re susceptible to some of the unpleasant winter effects that come along with frosty temperatures. For you, it may just mean investing in a heavier jacket. For your pipes, however, even California winter weather can be detrimental! If you turn on your faucet in the middle of January and nothing… Read more »