Although often unseen, concrete slab leaks can be a silent menace to your home’s structural integrity and wallet. Understanding the importance of early detection can not only save you a significant amount of money but also prevent potential disasters in your living space! Understanding Concrete Slab Leaks A slab leak occurs when the water pipes… Read more »
A slab leak is one of the most detrimental of all the household water leaks that can develop on your property. Every home has a system of pipes running through its concrete foundation. If your foundation shifts or your pipes start to corrode, you might have a concrete slab leak. Luckily, armed with the right… Read more »
Most homes are built on a basement or concrete slab foundation, making it an affordable option for many homeowners. It also provides the home with structural integrity. However, some concrete slabs may suffer from slab leaks. These leaks occur when water leaks from the pipes under a slab and gets into the basement unnoticed. Water goes… Read more »
Not all water leaks are created equal. There are small leaks that might show themselves readily with pooling water or a drop in water pressure. Then, there are the scarier leaks that lurk underneath the foundation of your home and hide most signs of their existence until they’re ready to do some serious damage. When… Read more »